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Phone: 800-507-0966 · Fax: 800-507-0967www.newpathlearning.comNewPath Learning® products are developed by teachers using research-based principles and are classroom tested. The company's productline consists of an array of proprietary curriculum review games, workbooks, charts, posters, visual learning guides, interactive whiteboardsoftware and other teaching resources. All products are supplemented with web-based activities, assessments and content to provide anengaging means of educating students on key, curriculum-based topics correlated to applicable state and national education standards.Copyright © 2011 NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved.Printed in the United States of America.Curriculum Mastery® and NewPath Learning® are registered trademarks of NewPath Learning LLC.Science Curriculum Mastery® Flip Charts provide comprehensive coverage of key standards-based curriculum in an illustrated format that is visually appealing, engaging and easy to use. Curriculum Mastery® Flip Charts can be used with the entire classroom, with small groups or by students working independently. Each Curriculum Mastery® Flip Chart Set features· 10 double-sided laminated charts covering grade-level specific curriculum content on one side plus write-on/wipe-off charts on the reverse side for student use or for small-group instruction.· Built-in sturdy free-standing easel for easy display· Spiral bound for ease of use· Activity Guide with black-line masters of the charts for students to fill-in, key vocabulary terms, corresponding quiz questions for each chart, along with answersIdeal for· Learning centers· In-class instruction for interactive presentations and demonstrations· Hands-on student use· Stand-alone reference for review of key science concepts · Teaching resource to supplement any programHOW TO USEClassroom UseEach Curriculum Mastery® Flip Chart can be used to graphically introduce or review a topic of interest. Side 1 of each Flip Chart provides graphical representation of keyconcepts in a concise, grade appropriate reading level forinstructing students. The reverse Side 2 of each Flip Chartallows teachers or students to fill in the call-outs of keystructures and summarize key concepts. Note: Be sure to use an appropriate dry-erase marker and to test it on a small section of the chart prior to using it.The Activity Guide included provides a black-line master of eachFlip Chart which students can use to fill in before, during or afterinstruction. On the reverse side of each black-line master arequestions corresponding to each Flip Chart topic which can beused as further review or as a means of assessment.While the activities in the guide can be used in conjunction with the Flip Charts, they can also be used individually forreview or as a form of assessment or in conjunction with anyother related assignment. Learning CentersEach Flip Chart provides students with a quick illustrated view of grade-appropriate curriculum concepts. Students mayuse these Flip Charts in small group settings along with thecorresponding activity pages contained in the guide to learn or review concepts already covered in class. Students may also use these charts as reference while playing NewPath's Curriculum Mastery® Games.Independent Student UseStudents can use the hands-on Flip Charts to practice andlearn independently by first studying Side 1 of the chart andthen using Side 2 of the chart or the corresponding graphicalactivities contained in the guide to fill in the answers andassess their understanding.Reference/Teaching ResourceCurriculum Mastery® Charts are a great visual supplement toany curriculum or they can be used in conjunction with NewPath's Curriculum Mastery® Games.Chart # 1: Chart # 2:Chart # 3:Chart # 4:Chart # 5:Chart # 6:Chart # 7:Chart # 8:Chart # 9:Chart #10:Food Webs & Trophic LevelsCoral Reef Food WebNorth American Desert Food WebDeciduous Forest Food WebAmazon Rainforest Food WebLake and Pond Food WebAfrican Savannah Food WebPolar Region Food WebNorthern Boreal Forest Food WebSaltwater Marsh Food WebExploring NatureEExploring xploring Natureature
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