About Us

NewPath Learning® is an award-winning publisher of research-based, hands-on print and interactive digital learning resources for teaching the most current academic standards for Science, Math, Literacy/ELA, Social Studies and Health & Nutrition, grades K-10.
Our proprietary ready-to use teaching and learning curriculum resources bridge the learning gaps of students making them ideal for intervention and enrichment. Based on research and leveled by subject, grade and topic, NewPath curriculum resources target specific student weaknesses and allow for easy customization and use in any setting. NewPath’s innovative products are developed by master educators using research-based principles and are classroom tested for efficacy.
NewPath’s learning instructional resources are ideally suited for in-class or at-home use, as well as academic intervention and enrichment, and have shown to increase student performance. They include an array of proprietary Curriculum Mastery® Games and Flip Charts, Multimedia Digital Lessons, Learning Centers, Visual Learning Guides, Study Cards, Posters, Learning Guides and other hands-on print materials — supplemented with an online learning platform, allowing students to learn anywhere, anytime on any device!
NewPath's product development team includes educators, content developers, editors, software developers, instructional designers, graphic designers, illustrators and animators who work in conjunction with classroom teachers to develop and evaluate dozens of new products published by NewPath Learning annually.
Additionally, NewPath Learning has invested in its own state-of-the-art, digital printing and finishing operations. These capabilities allow NewPath Learning to produce custom short runs in a print-on-demand environment. As a result, NewPath Learning possesses a great deal of flexibility for the development and customization of our proprietary instructional resources to meet the specific needs of a school or an entire district.