Reasons Why eBooks Are Gaining Popularity in School Education

Remember dragging your books from class to class, home, and back to school? Or when your textbook pages were covered in sticky notes until they fell off somewhere, never to be found again since taking notes in the margins would result in a suspension and possibly a fine? These instances are becoming less common as technology advances and more textbooks become accessible online. We'll look at the advantages of using eBooks in the classroom in this blog post.

Learning Is Improved by Using Technology

Our young learners, named the "Net Generation," view much of their environment through a screen, and their brains have evolved to learn in this manner. Because a child learns more effectively when he or she is interested and at ease with how content is provided, it's evident that incorporating technology into the learning process can be advantageous for many reasons.

Differentiated Learning

Different kids learn in different ways, and eBooks assist teachers in using the most up-to-date best teaching techniques, such as differentiation strategies. Through access to a library of eBooks, teachers can select titles which are levelled for the appropriate skill levels of their different and even individual students.

Easy Accessibility

Have you ever heard of eBooks being “out-of-stock”? No? It hasn't happened before. One of the biggest advantages of an electronic book is its accessibility. All you need is access to a website where you can browse any book you want. You'll then have access to the book in a matter of seconds. Compatible With Every Device

You can make copies of the book and transfer it to whatever device you have if you already have it downloaded. Cloud storage can also be used, so, if you accidentally delete an e-book, you can quickly recover it.

Storage Convenience

The convenience of storing e-books is another factor for their popularity. You can only store a limited number books for an entire class in a room because a physical book takes up a lot of physical space to store. Electronic books, on the other hand, allow you to download hundreds of titles and save them to your device or, more effectively, on a hard drive or memory card. On the plus side, these books don't take up much storage space.

Easy To Sync with Audiobooks

It's incredibly easy to sync e-books with audiobooks. Many existing e-books already have an audiobook capability built-in. This way, you can take care of students with special needs. And, for your general students, even if they’re on the move, they can still learn. All they have to do now is relax, plug in their headphones to their mobile device, and enjoy their audio book.

Representation Through Visuals

eBooks are ideal for your students that best learn graphically. Charts and tables are among the visual aids provided by eBooks. and research has shown that students learn and retain best when supporting visuals are provided.

Ease Of Searching

Another advantage of e-books that a traditional book cannot match is the simplicity with which they can be searched. Even if your e-book has thousands of pages, you may quickly locate a certain page by searching for a specific phrase. You don't have to turn the pages of a book to find the information you need. For pupils, the search tool can be useful, particularly when review for assessments.


eBooks, in comparison to traditional printed books, are more economical to purchase. The fact that it is less expensive is advantageous, especially for college students who cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars on books but also for K-12 districts as budgets are always constrained. Therefore, you can make the most of limited funds by purchasing e-books instead of physical books.

Environment Friendly

Most of us enjoy holding new-off-the-press hardback books. However, that comes at a price in terms of the environment. Electronic books, on the other hand, require significantly fewer carbon emissions than traditional book publishing, something which is important to most students.

Beneficial For Those Who Have Trouble Reading

E-books can help people with reading difficulties like dyslexia or visual impairments since they allow them to change the font size and line spacing. When persons with dyslexia read on an e-reader rather than on paper, according to a recent study, they read more successfully and with greater ease.

Perfect For Remote Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic required a complete overhaul of how educational resources are delivered. Schools had to put more faith in digital solutions when courses were moved online and resources had to be accessible from off-campus. One solution was eBooks!

eBooks are an excellent solution for traditional print texts during the COVID-19 crisis or for other courses conducted remotely for whatever reason. They allowed students to get the books they needed when school bookstores and retail outlets were closed. The most obvious solution is to make these books available in digital format, which students may access from the comfort of their own homes or anywhere for that matter1

This solution is similar to the approach many schools have taken with course-related software. Licensing agreements for lab-use software have been extended to enable students and teachers to download the software they need to their own devices. Similar advantages could be obtained by providing digital copies of course-required texts.

With vaccines available and many school facilities reopening, one would claim that this period has already passed. But that would be a mistake as the need for online education resources is unlikely to diminish even after the pandemic has passed. In the future, eBooks may help academic institutions better accommodate off-campus students.

Final Thoughts

Some people even believe that employing eBooks in the classroom has detrimental implications. Increased screen usage and internet distractions are examples of this. There's no denying that when it comes to adopting technology, we all have a responsibility to maintain a sense of balance. But, for these young Net Generation Learners, both on- and off-screen involvement is critical, and with the correct controls, the benefits far greatly exceed the drawbacks.